An introduction to terminology for translators and interpreters

This Help System is in and of itself a useful manual to introduce translators, editors and students of language and translation studies to the world of terminology, particularly using the MultiTerm terminology system with the help a tool called Tb-Scout v3.3.

First of all, did you install the Help System file?

Where to find help on functions and issues?

The Help System of Tb-Scout v3.3, the one you are reading now, is always readily available from within the application by pressing F1 for context-sensitive help information.

The Help System comes in the traditional .chm file format and it is named TbSv33.chm. This file must installed in the same directory where you install Tb-Scout v3.3 and if it is not, the message in Figure 2, above, will always show up.

Quick ways to find the information you may need:

  1. Use the table of contents.
  2. Use the index, i.e. keywords.
  3. Use the search feature by entering whichever term or phrase you want. Put the phrase in quotes, for better results.
  4. Use the favorites, or bookmarks, feature to store topics you may need to refer to later.