Open, explore, export MultiTerm Termbases (.sdltb) like never before, without Trados

(We are talking Heavy Duty terminology management)

The search functions available in (SDL/RWS) MultiTerm Desktop (up to version 2024) are seemingly slow. Besides, when exporting data the results are not readily available, unless the user knows how to make additional file conversions. Not to mention, MultiTerm Desktop cannot search and extract data by date(s) or by types of multimedia, create a detailed history of Termbases visited, create instant reports, etc.

On the other hand, (SDL/RWS) Trados Studio (up to version 2024) offers only two Termbase search options: Normal Search and Fuzzy Search, but on the condition that the Termbase is already part of the translation project. Not the most practical way of exploring Termbases.

Tb-Scout v3.3 was created precisely to make up for these shortcomings and, in the process, to offer a treasure trove of useful and practical features.

There is a problem...

(or, should we say, some shortcomings?) with Trados Studio (even with Trados Studio 2024)
limited terminology management module, including the perennial bug "term recognition not working", and with MultiTerm Desktop , a neat terminology tool, 
but underutilized and not exactly practical for busy translators...

...and here's one Solution

Leave the complexity to the IT engineers, where it belongs, not to the users!

      1. Summary information about the opened Termbase.
      2. Select whether to open either a Termbase (Tb) or a Translation Memory (TM) — Please note: You can open a TM once a Termbase is closed. However, you can open the TM module first and then simultaneously open a Termbase
      3. Folder icon to open with one click the location of the Termbase; double-click to open the location of the application
      4. Clock icon to open a list of the latest entries added
      5. Special group of icons/functions available according to context (the group on top corresponds to MultiTerm 2024): 1 Export Module; 2 Duplicates Module; 3 Connect to (SDL/RWS)  MultiTerm™ Desktop; 4 Instant Search; 5 Choose which MultiTerm™ Desktop version to connect to —  the functionality is the same nonetheless

      1. Descriptive Fields used by this Termbase (see more details in the Export Module, 1, above)
      2. Search types available for terms if the Scope is "Terms Only", which is mutually exclusive with the "Extended Search" Scope
      3. Icon available only if the Termbase has multimedia items; mouse hover to see what multimedia file types are available — see also multimedia indicators
      4. Search by ID within the range indicated; this function is made available by clicking "Extended Search" in the Scope section
      5. Select search scope: Terms Only or Extended Search (to include terms and Descriptive Fields) — When the latter is selected, then item 7 is not available
      6. The mm icon to open the Multimedia Module
      7. The calendar icon to open the Calendar Module to search by date(s)
      8. Total number of languages and total number of terms
      9. Currently selected Source Language (SL) and Target Language (TL)
      10. Change font size in panes (17) and (18) — three different sizes
      11. Expanded view showing language names, their ISO 639-1 code and the number of terms for each language
      12. Search results pane
      13. Translation results pane for each selected item in (17)
      14. Expanded view of any selected item in (18); ability to select either SL or TL with just one click to copy and paste somewhere else.

Feel free compare the myriad of features of Tb-Scout v3.3 vis-à-vis the possible search types in MultiTerm Desktop and MultiTerm Online termbases offered by SDL/RWS. Above all, compare availability and usability to better understand Tb-Scout v3.3's raison d'être.

Last, but not least: at the right bottom corner you can see the current size of the application file (normally under 13MB) when starting, in case you need to monitor and control the application size while exploring and exporting Termbase and Translation Memory data.

Corrupt or tampered Termbases will be ignored. A warning message will be displayed.