A traditional tool that changed ownership
Up until 2021, MultiTerm™ and Trados Studio™ were trademarks of SDL plc.
SDL, acronym for "Software and Documentation Localization", had been founded in 1992 in the United Kingdom, also known as the "The intelligent language and content company." It was acquired by the RWS Group in November of 2020. Later, in April 2021, all SDL products and services were re-branded to RWS.
Please note that some of the links in the present user guide will be redirected accordingly, while others may no longer be available.
SDL website pages, shown below, would be available until summer 2021.
Additional resources
- Translation 101. What is terminology management? And what is a Termbase? Video.
- SDL/RWS MultiTerm: SDL's central terminology management solution.
- A more comprehensive web page on SDL/RWS MultiTerm on how to increase productivity in translation, create consistent content and share terminology for easier collaboration, etc.
- Working with MultiTerm Desktop
- SDL Language Cloud Terminology integration.
- Introduction to Trados Terminology Course
More information about terminology, translation memory and standards
- TermBase eXchange (TBX) is an international standard (ISO 30042:2019) for the representation of structured concept-oriented terminological data. SDL MultiTerm is compliant with the TBX core structure based on a previous version of this standard (i.e. ISO 30042:2008, withdrawn).
- The ISO 30042:2019 standard. Management of terminology resources with TBX. If you are wishing to create a new dialect compliant with TBX.
- Tools that Claim TBX Support, a page within the TBX Council website maintained by a group of experts in language management (translation, terminology, natural language processing, etc.).
- "Terminology in the age of multilingual corpora" a paper that describes the role of the TermBase eXchange (TBX) standard in terminology exchange (published in The Journal of Specialised Translation, Issue 18, dedicated to terminology – July 2012. Look for the "Past Issues" link).
- Other terminology management systems in the market (some links may not be up to date).
- ISO 639-1 Codes for the representation of names of languages, alpha-2
- ISO 639-2 Codes for the representation of names of languages, alpha-3
- ISO 3166-1 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions, alpha-2
- Language localisation/localization: internationalisation/internationalization, globalisation/globalization...
- Translation Memory eXchange (TMX): an XML specification for the exchange of translation memory (TM) data between computer-aided translation and localization tools with little or no loss of critical data. (Wikipedia)
- Localization file formats: TBX, XLIFF and TMX. Computer-aided translation (CAT) tools use a variety of file formats both standardized and proprietary.
- Former Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA) portfolio of standards are now posted under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) maintains the LISA OSCAR (Open Standards for Container/content Allowing Re-use) standards repository.